Lucky Immigrants is a name of Trust!!
Lucky Immigrants is a name of Trust!!
Among the many benefits of a business visa include a work permit valid for up to four years and the ability for the applicant's immediate family members to live, work, and study in Australia alongside them. A team of knowledgeable advisors at WWICS will walk you through the process of applying for a visa, determining your eligibility, and making sure your application is filed and completed in a timely manner so you may visit Australia with ease.
Australia has a very competitive market with a robust, stable, and contemporary infrastructure, making it a great place to invest thanks to its extensive framework of economic policies. Australia is a popular place to conduct business for these two main reasons.
The Business Innovation and Investment Programme includes the Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188). Before being asked to apply for this visa, you must submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) through SkillSelect and be nominated by the Australian government through Austrade or a state or territory government.
For those with business acumen who wish to start, grow, and oversee a new or current company in Australia, there is a Business Innovation path. The government of a state or territory must designate candidates.
Investor stream: intended for those wishing to continue their business and investment activities in Australia while making a specified investment of at least AUD1.5 million in an Australian state or territory. The government of a state or territory must designate candidates.
large Investor stream: for those who wish to continue their business and investment activities in Australia and are prepared to invest at least AUD $5 million into compliance with large investments in Australia. State or territory governments or Austrade acting on behalf of the Australian government may propose candidates.
Premium Investor stream: for those who wish to continue doing business and investing in Australia and are prepared to put down at least AUD15 million in compliant premium investments. Austrade, acting on behalf of the Australian government, must propose candidates.
A sincere and practical pledge to participate in the ownership of a new or established Australian company.
Provisional visa sponsored by a state or territory; no minimal English proficiency required.
Be under the age of 55.
An all-around prosperous business career.
$800,000 in net company and personal assets (net-worth).
A Business turnover of $500,000.
65 points required for Qualifying.
In addition to the DIBP requirements, candidates vying for a Queensland state nomination must fulfil the subsequent requirements:
Candidates wishing to be nominated as states in Queensland must fulfil the following requirements in addition to the DIBP requirements:
If aiming to create a firm in Brisbane or the Gold Coast, a AUD$500,000 investment in the suggested venture.
A AUD$300,000 investment in the suggested firm is required if expanding into other areas of Queensland.
Be less than 55 years old.
Investments in enterprises in the agricultural, resources, infrastructure, tourism, education, and training sectors would be prioritised, especially in regional Queensland.
By presenting enough documentation to support your eligibility, you must show that you fulfil the requirements set out by the Commonwealth Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) for the Business Innovation & Investment visa.
You applied while you were less than 55 years old.
Your company has to generate at least $1.0 million in revenue annually (see point 2 above) in order to be eligible to move to SYDNEY.
You need to have net personal and commercial assets of at least $1.3 million in order to relocate to SYDNEY (see point 3 above).
A comprehensive CV detailing your professional background and duties that attest to your achievement in the corporate world must be submitted.
For a profitable business in NSW, you must submit a Business Commitment (see NSW Business Commitment template) that demonstrates your thorough understanding of the Australian market, includes information on the research you have done, and assesses how well your proposed venture will perform in the state. The ownership stake must be at least 51% in a firm with annual revenue under A$400,000, 30% in a company with annual revenue exceeding A$400,000, or 10% in a company that is publicly traded.
If your firm will be located in Regional NSW, your firm Commitment must comprise a minimum of $300,000 in business investment. Your Business Commitment must involve at least $500,000 in business investment if your firm will be in SYDNEY. If your firm will be located in Sydney, your firm Commitment cannot be in one of the industrial areas that are excluded3.
You must give proof that you have enough money to cover your living expenses and settlement costs for at least a year.
NSW may not sponsor you for a provisional visa if DIBP has previously denied you a business skills, business employment, or business innovation & investment visa, or cancelled such a visa, unless you can demonstrate mitigating circumstances.
The ownership stake must be at least 51% in a firm with annual revenue under A$400,000, 30% in a company with annual revenue exceeding A$400,000, or 10% in a company that is publicly traded.
A firm must invest in either inventory, property, plant, and equipment, or goodwill, if purchased.
ANZSIC H4511, Takeaway Food Services (H4512), Supermarket & Grocery Retail Stores (G4110), Fruit & Vegetable Retailing (G4122), Specialised Food Retailing (G412), Newspaper & Book Retailing (G4244), Clothing Retailing (G4251), Footwear Retailing (G4252), Other Personal Accessory Retailing (G4259), Houseware Retailing (G4213), Manchester & Other Textile Goods Retailing (G4214), Other Electrical & Electronic Goods Retailing (G4229).
Fulfil the conditions for this visa's eligibility under DIBP; and
Possess a sincere desire to stay in Victoria and carry out continuous, permissible commercial activity within two years of the visa being activated; and
Consent to transferring to Victoria, within 23 months of the visa's activation, a minimum of A$600,000 in net assets, of which A$400,000 will be accessible for business.
Significant business history stream:
Venture capital entrepreneur stream:
If you plan to apply for the visa in the Significant Business History stream, you must either have net business and personal assets of at least AUD1.5 million and an annual business turnover of at least AUD3 million, or
If you want to apply for the visa under the Venture Capital Entrepreneur stream, you must have secured at least AUD1 million in venture capital investment to begin the commercialisation and development of a high-value company concept in Australia.
*Business Innovation and Investment (Provisional) visa (subclass 188) and
* Business Talent visa (subclass 132) visas