Lucky Immigrants is a name of Trust!!
Lucky Immigrants is a name of Trust!!
Since the UK is a member of the European Economic Area (EEA), EEA citizens are allowed to travel freely between Member States. The following individuals may be sponsored: a dependent child, fiance (e), grandchild, great grandchild, parent, unmarried partner, or grandparent who is economically competent and resides in the UK or plans to do so.
A residency family permit that allows a non-EEA national's dependents to exercise their treaty rights in the UK may be granted for a maximum of five (5) years. The EEA Family Visa grants its bearer unrestricted access to live, work, and study in the United Kingdom.
The UK Immigration Authorities have established specific requirements that must be fulfilled in order to be eligible for an EEA Citizen Family visa.
In the case of spouses or partners, there must be a real relationship and at least 18 years old between the sponsor and the dependant.
In the event that there are further family members, the applicants must provide proof of their EEA relative's dependency.
The length of time an EEA family member can use their treaty rights in the UK depends on the information provided, and this affects the validity term of the EEA family visa. The validity period has a maximum of five (5) years.
The EEA Family visa holder can apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after meeting the conditions and spending five (5) years in the UK. Individuals with ILR are eligible for both visa-free travel to and from the UK and permanent residency there. ILR holders could be qualified to sponsor their non-British relatives into the UK and seek for British citizenship.